UOL - O melhor conteúdo

Here comes James Franco again, with another eccentric project. After participating in an alternative exhibition in New York and participating in the television drama “General Hospital” – something that the majority of his colleagues would classify as a bump on their résumés – the actor is now trying his luck on performance art projects. Franco developed a project called “Soap at MOCA: James Franco on ‘General Hospital” that is a mix of the lines as the character from the famous TV show and a film that Franco is making about the experience.

* All this and, soon, Franco is also doing a documentary about his participation in “General Hospital”. Although the actor is flirting with TV, he maintains a strong presence in Hollywood. Besides “Eat, Pray, Love” – opening this Friday in the United States – he can also be seen in three productions that will be on the cinemas in 2011 and is in negotiations to be in another two.

James Franco: won’t miss a scene


