After an exceptional performance as the homophobic Kléber in the telenovela "Insensato Coração," actor Cassio Gabus Mendes is participating in Globo’s miniseries on the life of controversial comedian and actress Dercy Gonçalves. "I don’t know what my character is going to be, the talks are still ongoing," he told Glamurama.
* The script is by Maria Adelaide Amaral, with collaboration of Heloise Périssé, who will play Dercy as a young woman. Fafy Siqueira will play her later in life. The series will be shot in Minas Gerais, where Dercy was born, and in Rio de Janeiro. "The quality of the writing will certainly be excellent," Cassio said. Shootings begin in November and the premiere should be in January 2012. Success!
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- Cassio Gabus Mendes,