
First soloist with the Royal Ballet of London, Thiago Soares practically lives in a Tower of Babel. We can explain: Thiago is a Brazilian living in England, dating Argentinian dancer Marianela Nunez and working with a Russian choreographer. And despite the perfect Portuguese, when we spoke to him, Thiago apologized because he’s been dealing with four languages all at once. He told us that he’s coming to Brazil next week to arrange sponsorship for the tour he intends to bring here in August.

* "It will be a short season of five shows. But I’m very excited, I love dancing in Brazil, unlike football players, who only come back when they are at the end of their career, I think it’s very important to honor Brazil while I’m in my peak!"

* His other project is very special: his marriage to Marianela in July. The religious ceremony will take place in Argentina. But the party will be here in Brazil, with a ceremony for family and friends in Rio.

Marianela Nunez and Thiago Soares: joining their ballet shoes


