
This Tuesday, Glamurama selected a recipe from chef Helena Rizzo, of the Mani, to spice things up at project summer, the salad Atlantic Forest, a delight. Helena’s special touch is up to the sauce.

* You will need 80 grams of wild rocket, 80 grams of purple chard of spinach, 80 grams of machi, 80 grams of mini rocket, 40 grams of sorrel, a mango and heart of palm, cut into julienne – thin strips – 40 grams of snow peas, 40 grams of broccoli, 5 grams of passion fruit seed, 10 grams of diced confit celery, 50 ml of coal olive oil, 50 ml basil oil, 40 grams of sprouts and fresh herbs, calendula petals and fleur de sel.

* Para fazer o aipo confitado, limpe bem os talos de 100 gramas de aipo e corte em cubinhos. Acrescente 40 gramas de açúcar e cubra com água. Cozinhe em fogo lento até ficarem bem macios. Para o azeite de carvão, coloque um pedaço de carvão em brasa e mergulhe em 250 ml de óleo de castanhas do Pará. Tape o óleo com um prato e deixe defumar por alguns minutos. O azeite de manjericão leva um maço de manjericão, que deve ser escaldado, sem talo, por 10 segundos, depois mergulhado em água com gelo e, em seguida, deve ser deixado seco. Bata no liquidificador com 250 ml de óleo de girassol e leve ao fogo. Depois de aquecido, coe com um pano.

* To make the confit celery, clean the stems of the 100 grams of celery and cut into small cubes. Add 40 grams of sugar and cover with water. Cook over low heat until very soft. To make coal olive oil, place a piece of grilled charcoal and dip it in 250 ml of Para nuts oil. Cover the oil with a plate and let it smoke for a few minutes. The basil oil takes a pack of basil, which should be scalded, without stalk, for 10 seconds, then dipped in ice water, then, should be left to dry. Beat it in a blender with 250 ml of sunflower oil and cook. After heating, strain with a cloth.

* Misture as folhas em um bowl e tempere com os dois azeites e a flor de sal. Disponha as folhas nos pratos e acrescente a manga, a pupunha, poucas sementes de maracujá e um pouco de aipo. Coloque pedacinhos de brócolis e ervilha torta por cima e finalize com as ervas, brotos e as pétalas de calêndula. Salada Mata Atlântica: versão diferente Foto: Divulgação

* Mix the leaves in a bowl and season them with both oils and fleur de sel. Arrange the leaves on plates and add the mango, heart of palm, some passion fruit seeds and a little celery. Place small pieces of broccoli and snow peas on top and wrap it up with herbs, sprouts and calendula petals.

Atlantic Salad: different version



