
Glamurama managed to have an exclusive chat with Karl Lagerfeld’s favorite model, the darling Giabiconi Baptiste. In rare moment off last week, he was in Paris for the launch of the new exhibition of the Kaiser, in the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. On the occasion, Baptiste talked to us and made a revelation about an invitation he received from a famous Hollywood actress. Check out:

In March it was reported that you were working on the production of an album. Nearly seven months later, what can you tell us about this project?

"The preparation of an album is a process that requires a lot of time. Currently, I’m recording between Norway and France, and I’m also working on filming a video clip with my agent and producer, Side Hajjaj."

What kind of music will you sing? Is this just a hobby or do you intend to be a full time music artist?

"My musical influences are basically pop and electro music. And it is not just a hobby, I always wanted to be a singer, but I started working as a model and chose to dedicate myself to this profession, reach the top, and only then do something different. Now I am ready to work with both music and fashion. "

Is Karl Lagerfeld involved in any way on your musical début? What will be your next project together?

"Maybe he’ll write me a song… I’m still working with Karl, doing the Chanel campaigns and other projects that are already in progress."

Men models hardly reach the same level of professional success of women models. In your case, it is possible to say you’re an exception to this rule, since you had the opportunity to adventure yourself into other areas. Besides music, you have plans for a post-fashioned career?

"I would love to become a complete artist, of course, working on music for a while. I was also invited by Nicole Kidman, who is a friend of Karl, to do some tests in Hollywood. Maybe one day I still turn into an actor! "

Baptiste Giabiconi: On his way to Hollywood?


