
"It’s not easy to edit a thought you had 20 years ago," remarks filmmaker Carlos Nader, with whom we had a chat on Monday afternoon. We can explaine: Carlos will participate with the short film “A Tela” in Festival do Rio, on Wednesday, and told us that he came up with the idea for the script almost two decades ago.

* The story, portrayed by Mariana Ximenes and Luis Miranda, is set within a movie theater at the time when the Brazilian government required cinemas to exhibit short films before feature films. "It took a while to get ready because I went down a different path and ended up leaving the fiction part a little on the side," he said. The main character, initially, would be Pedro Cardoso, with whom the director worked at that time writing TV Globo’s “Programa Legal.” "Many people don’t know this, but Pedro used to be much more of a writer/editor than an actor and, since we were always together, I immediately thought of him. But that was many years ago and when I decided to do it, it didn’t happen with him. Then I thought of Luis Miranda, who worked with me on ‘Jean Charles.’ I think he has something in common with Pedro, they can go from drama to comedy in an incredible way. "

* The film has been very well received wherever he goes. It has won three awards, two of them in Paulinia, where it had double screenings in a theater with more than one thousand people. "Festival do Rio will taste extra sweet, after all, it was precisely there that I wrote the script," he said. Carlos, will actually have a full schedule on Wednesday. Before going to the festival, he’ll open the multimedia show "Meu Meio", at SESC Interlagos, in Sao Paulo and then hurries to Rio! Whew!

Carlos Nader: presenting the short film “A Tela” at Festival do Rio


