
Who is partying this Friday, in Portugal, is Marcelo D2. And it’s not because of Brazil’s and Portugal’s soccer match. The singer traveled there, this Thursday, to participate on Sumol Summer Fest. After that, he’s going to be singing to the Swiss, in Freudenfeld, on the 10th, and to the French, in Paris, on the 11th – day of the final of the World Cup. 
* When back to Brazil, D2 will not lay back. He gets in the studio to finish his next project, that must be out by the end of August. The novelty is going to have music recorded by the carioca and samba musician Bezerra da Silva, and the production by Leandro Sapucahy. This one, by the way, is going to be his first investment on samba without any hip hop, deejays or sample interventions. Let’s wait…

Marcelo D2: a lot of news


