
This Thursday night, the girl who won Chico Buarque’s heart performed at Tom Jazz, in São Paulo – and, despite her shy girl appearance, Thais Gulin showed the audience that she is a full blown woman. On stage, she sang the songs of the CD “ôÔÔôôÔôÔ," as well as sambas, boleros and songs from Roberto Carlos to a lively audience. The cutest moment was when she sang "Se eu soubesse," which Chico wrote to her. Thais was visibly moved and had to take a deep breath to finish it. … There were even a few tears… Chico wasn’t there, though.

* After the show, Glamurama talked to her backstage. Thais admitted she doesn’t say no to fine whiskey "to warm up the soul" and that, to focus before a performance, she listens to Indian music and talks to… Chico. "Before, after the show … I talk all the time," she said. And that’s enough on the subject. "This story took an absurd proportions in recent weeks. I came here to show my work, which took two years to finish."

* And the appointmenst continues, she is going back to Rio for another performance and is arranging trips to the countryside of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Thais has already revealed to have written a song and to have plans to compose work even more authorial. We’ll keep an eye out!

Thais Gulin: special concert in Sao Paulo


