
The Rio native Mana Bernardes is comes from a powerful lineage. She’s the granddaughter of architect Sergio Bernardes, daughter of the filmmaker of the same name and artist Rute Casoy, and sister of musician Pedro Bernardes. She is also the aunt of Mano Wladimir, son of Pedro and Marisa Monte. But it’s Mana’s artistic expression that’s catching people’s attention.

* First there were pieces created with everyday materials such as staples, marbles, seeds and PET bottles, which ended up at MoMA in New York. Now, Mana is getting ready to take over the literary world with the newly launched "Mana e Manuscritos" ("Mana and Manuscripts"), which is curated by Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda and brings together Mana’s major works. Oh, and great news for Sao Paulo: in December she opens an exhibit at Luisa Strina Gallery. Mark your schedules!

Mana Bernardes is a name to watch: art in the family


