
Mel Gibson’s breakup is getting each time more complicated. After receiving a restraining order from his ex-wife, Oksana Grigorieva, now he has to watch her give away more details about their relationship. According to “TMZ”, Oksana affirmed that the actor had punched her and, with the hit, he even broke a few of her teeth.

* In defense, friends of the actor declared he was never violent towards her but, during a discussion in January this year, while they were married, things got a little physical – as she was too altered he tried to take their daughter away from her arms. This affirmation was answered: “Mel and his team are changing the direction of the subject in a desperate attitude to protect his reputation”, Oksana accused. As it seems, we are going to keep hearing about them…

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson: unfriendly breakup


