
“Forbes” has just released the annual list with the most powerful celebrities of the world. And among the ten names that occupy the top, are six women. That’s right! In first place is firs-lady of north-American showbiz, Oprah Winfrey, who earned US$ 315 million last year. The presenter is followed by another woman, the singer Beyoncé, and only then the first male representative, James Cameron, in third place.

* The selection took in consideration the financial gain and number of time that person appeared on the media. With that in mind, the magazine elected Lady Gaga in fourth place; golf player Tiger Woods, despite the series of sex scandals in fifth; Britney Spears in sixth and the band U2 in seventh.

* Completing the ten most powerful an unexpected sequel: Sandra Bullock, Johnny Depp and Madonna, in eighth, ninth and tenth position, respectively. Apparently the Oscar and turbulent separation have made a before discreet Sandra to take the place of the always polemic queen of pop…

* In time: Brazilian top model, Gisele Bündchen is also on the list, in 85th place, best position of her career.

Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé, James Cameron, Lady Gaga, Tiger Woods, Sandra Bullock, Johnny Depp and Madonna: among the most powerful celebrities


