After losing the first place on the list of the fashion capitals to Milan, last year, New York was again elected the most fashion city in the world. por 16 de agosto de 2010 às 12:00 1 minuto de leitura
It seems that Brasil is at its best moments in the competitive world market. According to WWD, Brazil is changing for the best, despite the many infrastructure problems. por 22 de julho de 2010 às 12:00 2 minutos de leitura
According to a research done by the Gallup Institute and published by Forbes magazine, out of 155 researched countries, Brazil was pointed as the 12th happiest country in the world. por 21 de julho de 2010 às 12:00 1 minuto de leitura
In the Middle East, things are a little different; faster to say the least. por 21 de julho de 2010 às 12:00 1 minuto de leitura