The oil leak in the Gulf of México has attracted the attention of many heavyweights ofHollywood.

The oil leak in the Gulf of México has attracted the attention of many heavyweights ofHollywood. The last one to get involved was Brad Pitt, how he could not fail to be, who comes with an unusual idea. The star of “Inglorious Bastards” has set his mind on producing a movie about the ecological disaster, with the right for an oscarized cast and all.
* Brad is keeping in touch with many friends from the land of movies and it doesn’t even need to be said that there is a lot of people interested in the project. The only problem is that most studios there are sponsored, somehow, by British Petroleum, the responsible for the spill. In this case, the doubt is: is Brad capable of convincing the movie executives to face the powerful people from the oil industry?

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