Murilo Benicio invites the cast of “Avenida Brasil” for a ride on Eike’s boat

Divino will show up in force at the Pink Fleet – the boat that Eike Batista rents for events in Rio – to get a tan on Friday. Adriana Esteves has already confirmed her presence. The thing is that Murilo Benicio – who, as Glamurama reported earlier, invests in cattle in his spare time – invited friends from the cast of “Avenida Brasil” for the third auction of AgroCopa, a company he founded in 2008 with partners André Monteiro and Felipe Picciani.

AgroCopa acts in breeding and selection of Gir milk cattle. The event will happen in the early afternoon, al mare, complete with performances by DJ Tháscya, along with saxophonist Rodrigo Cha. Instead of Nina’s culinary treats, they’ll serve “escondidinhos” of corned beef, among other tidbits. Other artists who aren’t part of the telenovela have also accepted the invitation, such as Deborah Secco, Flávia Alessandra, Marcos Paulo and Susana Vieira.

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