Coluna in english

It sounds bizarre but it’s true. Israel has finally closed a deal to buy the Twitter profile @Israel from Meléndez Israel, a Spanish citizen who lives in Miami and whose main occupation is to take care of an adults’ site.

* Meléndez created the account in 2007, apparently without awareness of any reference that the inline word Israel would be susceptible to storms and revealed: "I basically haven’t used it because I received dozens of tweets every day from people who thought it belonged to Israel as the country.”

* A spokesman from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the deal and said that, in spite of the address be out of use, the owner didn’t make it cheap – the amount of the business hasn’t been revealed.

* The movement is part of a recent effort in social networks. The country is anxious to open dialogue with the citizens and sees the account @Israel as an essential way to do so.

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