Lady Gaga has become Mister Gaga in an editorial on Japanese “Vogue Hommes”?

Lady Gaga has become Mister Gaga in an editorial on Japanese “Vogue Hommes”? By the look of the pictures divulgated on Nicola Formichetti’s Twitter, the singer’s stylist, it seems to be. On the microblog, Gaga’s personal friend divulgated the image and wrote as subtitle, without saying it was about her: “More previews – Vogue Hommes Japan shot with Nick Knight”. 
* But the resemblance of this supposed model with Lady Gaga is undeniable and many of Nicola’s followers have also noticed that. Later on, more pictures were published on the stylist’s Twitter, this time, with an editorial look. So, check it out and take your own conclusions, glamurette:

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