Van Leeuwen Handmade Ice Cream / 632 Manhattan Ave / Greenpoint, Brooklyn: success

Van Leeuwen, the most beloved handmade ice cream this summer, began in a small cart circling Manhattan. The success was so immense that now the ice cream has its own shop in the neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn. In addition to delicious ice cream, you will also find muffins, cookies, coffee and cakes as a part of the menu.
* For those who plan not to leave Manhattan, the small ice cream cart can be found at 15th  Street with Fifth Avenue (from 8h to 18h), 22nd Street with Sixth Avenue(between 8am and 10am), 23rd Street with Fifth Avenue (10am at 16h) and 22nd  Street with Fifth Avenue (from 16h to 18h). It´s is definitely an obligatory stop on hot days!

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