Coluna in english

The condominium Helvetia will be extremely busy this holiday. The Helvetia Open Polo final happens there, this weekend, between the teams São José – of Caio Lellis Vieira and José Eduardo Kalil – and Invernada – of Fabio, José Eduardo and Renato Diniz Junqueira.

* In the field, some of the best players like Rico Mansur, André Diniz, Jorge Junqueira, Luiz Paulo Bastos and João Paulo Ganon.

* The club already has celebration scheduled for Saturday and Sunday and many people will be around. Families like Trussardi Rudge and Trussardi Souza Aranha, as well as the Linhares, celebrating the birthday of their son Dudu. John Gaspar Martins Bastos will also bring his family to see the championship.

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