In English

A book that explains the habit of breaking the law – a phenomenon that is common in the country – will be launched on Thursday at the Museum of Modern Art in São Paulo. We’re talking about “Cultura das Transgressões no Brasil – Cenários do Amanhã” ("Culture of Transgressions in Brazil – Scenarios of Tomorrow"), organized by former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Roberto Abdenur, president of the Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics.

* Besides the organizers, the five authors – Marcílio Marques Moreira, Paul Singer, Aristides Junqueira, Gilmar Ferreira Mendes and Roberto Janine Ribeiro – will also be there to sign the book, which completes the series "Culture of Transgressions in Brazil," also made of “Histórias do Passado” ("Stories of the Past"), from 2008, and "Visões do Presente" ("Visions of the Present"), from 2009.

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