Gathering a bunch of celebrities in one event always leads to good stories. And that is what happened this Sunday in Jay-Z’s concert at the Wireless Festival.

Gather a bunch of celebrities at an event always leads to good stories. And that’s what happened this Sunday in Jay-Z’s concert at the Wireless Festival. But if on one side, Madonna was enjoying her Brazilian sweetheart, Jesus Luz, on the other, who was getting all the attention was Amy Winehouse.

* According to the “Daily Mirror”, the singer surprised everyone at the exclusive area, including Beyoncé, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lewis Hamilton and Kate Moss, with an open demonstration of her love for Prince Harry. “Hi, Harry. Hi, Harry. How are you, love? I just wanted to say hello to him”, yelled the singer trying to get his attention.

* According to a source of the newspaper, Amy was so desperate to get near him, she didn’t care who heard her yelling. She was immediately stopped by security an kept away from the Prince. Not exactly royalty-like…

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